also known as: The Path Goal Theory of leadership
Was developed by Martin Evans and Robert House in 1970-1971. Built upon the concept of initiating structure and consideration and the Expectancy Theory of Motivation
Core Idea: It is the leader’s job to provide his followers with the information, support and other resources required for them to achieve their goals.
Proposed by Robbins, Judge and Sanghi in 2007.
Robert House’s model for leadership
Fielder assumed the leader to follow a fixed leadership style, while House assumed the leader to be a flexible person.
Robert House’s 4 Types of Leaders
Directive Leader
A directive leader clarifies the followers of the role expected of them, schedules the work to be done and gives the needed direction or guidance as to how to accomplish tasks.
Supportive Leader
A supportive leader behaves in an friendly manner with the followers, and the main concern of the leader is placed on the needs of the followers, rather than on accomplishing the tasks.
Participative Leader
A participative leader involves the followers in the consultation process and also gets the suggestions or views of the followers, before making a decision.
Achievement-oriented Leader
An achievement oriented leader set challenging goals for the followers and expects them to perform at their highest level.