- In an organization, the formation of groups is very natural, whether it is created by the management for the purpose of accomplishing the goals of the organization or by the members of the organizations themselves to fulfil their social needs.
- A group is defined as a social aggregate of two or more people that involves mutual awareness, and interaction, individuals who come together to achieve specific goals.
- Dynamics comes from Greek word meaning force. It refers to the interaction of forces between group members in a social situation.
- Group dynamics deals with the attitudes and behavioural patterns of a group. Group dynamics concern how groups are formed, what their structure is and which processes are followed in their functioning. Thus, it is concerned with the interactions and forces operating between groups.
- The social process by which people interact and behave in a group environment is called group dynamics.
- Group dynamics involves the influence of personality, power, and behaviour on the group process.
- It can be used as a means for problem-solving, teamwork, and to become more innovative and productive as an organization.
Importance of group dynamics
- Creativity and innovation
- Productivity and effectiveness
- Trust among team members
- Empathy and understanding
Types of groups
Formal groups
- Created as per formal authority to fulfil a desired objective of the organization.
- Has defined rules and regulations
- Requires the involvement and approval of the management to operate and exist
flowchart TB
A("Formal groups") --> B("Command groups")
A --> C("Task groups")
A --> D("Functional groups")
Command groups
The groups that consist of managers/Supervisor and their subordinates.
Task groups
Task groups are formed to accomplish a specific task or project within a defined period. These groups are temporary and disband once the task is completed (problem-solving and decision-making groups.)
Functional groups
Created to accomplish specific goals within an unspecified time frame. Functional groups remain in existence after achievement of current goals and objectives.
Informal groups
- Formed by the employees as per their likes, interests and attitudes.
- No involvement or approval of the management for its operation and management
- No defined rules or regulations
flowchart TB
A("Informal groups") --> B("Interest groups")
A --> C("Friendship groups")
A --> D("Reference groups")
Interest groups
Interest groups usually continue over time and may last longer than general informal groups. An example of an interest group would be students who come together to form a study group for a specific subject.
Friendship groups
Friendship groups are formed by members who enjoy similar social activities, political beliefs, religious values, or other common bonds.
Reference groups
A reference group is a type of group that people use to evaluate themselves. An employee who looks up to successful leaders within the organization as role models or mentors.
Differences between formal and informal groups
Aspects | Formal group | Informal group |
Objective | Task accomplishment | Member satisfaction |
Origin | Management | Individual members |
Structure | Formal | Informal |
Orientation | Task oriented | Relation oriented |
Influence | Formal authority | Personality |
Leadership | Formal leader | Informal leader |
Control | Formal control | Social sanctions |