The 7 universal facial expressions of emotion

  1. Happiness
  2. Surprise
  3. Contempt
  4. Sadness
  5. Fear
  6. Disgust
  7. Anger


  • It is a broad range of feelings that people experience.
  • Affect can be experienced in the form of emotions or moods

Positive Affect

  • A mood dimension that consists of specific positive emotions such as excitement, self-assurance, and cheerfulness at the high end and boredom, sluggishness and tiredness at the low end.

Negative affect

  • A mood dimension that consists of emotions such as nervousness, stress and anxiety at the high end and relaxation, tranquillity and control at the low end.


  • It is feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and lack a contextual stimulus.
  • Cause is often general and unclear
  • Lasts longer than emotions (hours or days)
  • More general
  • Not indicated by distinct expressions (generally)
  • Cognitive in nature


  • Intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.
  • Caused by a specific event
  • Very brief in duration
  • Specific and numerous in nature
  • Usually accompanied by distinct facial expressions
  • Action-oriented in nature
  • Emotions and moods can mutually influence each other

Leader charisma

Discrete emotions at work and its outcomes

Mood at work