An active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles
Relationship conflicts—those based on interpersonal incompatibilities, tension, and autonomy toward others—are almost always dysfunctional.
Task conflicts— those based on disagreements about task content—can be beneficial because they may stimulate discussion, promote critical assessment of problems and options, and can lead to better team decisions.
Personal level conflicts
Interpersonal conflict
Between 2 or more people
Differences in views as to what should be done
Differences in orientation to work and time in different parts of the organization
Intrapersonal conflict
Occurs within an individual
Threat to a person’s values (something like Cognitive Dissonance )
Feeling of unfair treatment
Intergroup conflict
Conflict between 2 or more groups
Intragroup conflict
Conflict among members of a group
Early stages of group development (storming )
Ways of doing tasks or reaching group goals
Inter-organizational conflict
Between 2 or more organizations
Not competition
Examples: Suppliers vs Distributors
Intra-organizational conflict
Conflict that occurs within an organization
Happens at the interfaces of the organization
Can also occur along the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the organization
Vertical conflict: Between managers and subordinates
Horizontal conflict: Between departments and work-groups
Outcomes of conflict
Increased motivation and creativity
Healthy interactions and involvements stimulated
Increased understanding of others
People are forced to clarify their ideas more effectively.
Decreased productivity
Relevant information not being shared
Environmental stress
Decision making process disrupted
Poor work relationships
Misallocation of resources
Impaired organizational commitments
Conflict management styles: The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
Which conflict management style is best?
Use avoidance when
Issue is trivial
To temporarily delay to allow emotions to cool down
Use accommodation when
Relationships are more important than the issue at hand
Others concerns are significantly more important
Use competition when
When quick, decisive action is vital
When you don’t trust the opponent
Use compromise when
To arrive at expedient solutions under time pressure
As a backup when collaboration or competition is unsuccessful
Use collaboration
When both parties have valuable insight to contribute
When a long-term solution is needed
When a positive relationship is crucial
Types of conflict resolution
1. Lose-lose methods: Compromise, avoiding
2. Win-win methods: Collaborating
3. Win-lose methods: Competing
4. Lose-win methods: Accommodating