Review of signals and systems
Module 1 (Discrete Systems)
- Sampling -
- Quantization -
- Z Transform and inverse with ROC -
- Stability and Causality Analysis
Module 2 (Frequency Response)
- DFT and IDFT Computation -
- FFT Radix 2 with butterfly diagram
- Realization - Type 1, Type 2, Parallel, Cascade
- Butterworth filter -
Module 3 (IIR Filter Design)
- Chebyshev filter -
- Bilinear transformation
- Impulse invariance
- Derivatives method
- FIR Filter design
Module 4 (FIR Filter Design)
- Linear phase and group delay -
- Windowing
Module 5 (Processor)
- Coding (IEEE 754) Floating point representation
- Architecture
Module 6 (Multi Rate DSP)
- Decimation and Interpolation
Module 7 (Adaptive Filter)
- Adaptive filter
- Weiner filter