• Originally developed in 1949, the big 5 personality traits is a theory established by D. W. Fiske and later expanded upon by other researchers including Norman (1967), Smith (1967), Goldberg (1981), and McCrae & Costa (1987).

Traits of the Big 5 (OCEAN)

  1. Openness: Represents how willing a person is to try out new things
  2. Conscientiousness: Represents an individual’s desire to be careful and diligent
  3. Extroversion: Measures how energetic, outgoing and confident a person is
  4. Agreeableness: Refers to how an individual interacts with others
  5. Neuroticism: Represents how much someone is inclined to experience negative emotions.

Effect of aging on this framework

  • As people age
    • Agreeableness and conscientiousness might have a slight increase
    • Openness, extraversion and neuroticism might have a slight decrease