(This was written quite a while ago, even I cringe at this when I read it now đź’€)

Who am I?

I am Jheyanth CS, a writer-engineer-philosopher-systems optimizer. I am a jack of all trades.

Ever since I read my first book at 8 years old, I’ve had a chronic reading and writing habit. I take interest in reading and writing immersive fiction tales in science and I also read a lot of self help.

I am a creator. A fundamental principle of mine is to create things that have a substantial net positive improvement in people’s lives. I started off with creating art, and then to social media, but after reading a lot of software start-up success stories and their range of impact, it brought me to engineering. I love researching/making/hacking up tools to help people. I am always on the bleeding edge of new technology, waiting to snag an opportunity.

I am a philosopher. There is meaning to this life, and I don’t think my soul would rest without finding what it is. Reading the work of past philosophers opens up my mind to a lot of new perspectives. There is joy in reading the works of Nietzche, Schopenhauer, Dostoevsky, Camus and Kierkegaard. I’ve exoplred nihilism, absurdism and stoicism, and I’m drawn to Lacan’s work currently.

And finally, I am an optimizer. I am an INTJ on the MBTI chart, so analysis and judgement is how I navigate the world. I view everything as systems. Complex or simple, they all return outputs for inputs. It gives me immense joy to make a system work as efficiently and as well oiled as possible.

This borderline irrational desire of mine usually puts me in great places, like leadership positions. I became the vice president of DAO Community, simply because I viewed this club as a system which could do so much better if I could just optimize the workflows of the members.

I think from first principles, I think critically, and I have an exhaustive list of cognitive biases only to remind me and help me account for any of my own irrationalities when making decisions in my life and work.

This unique amalgamation of skillsets usually differentiates me from the rest of the pack, sometimes a bit too much. I am not very fun at parties, and I usually find myself alone.

But, I am excited for my own future and to find out how much value I can bring to this world.